Vamos aprender a queimar calorias com alimentos!

Let's learn how to burn calories with food!

After an end of the year that is always very “greedy” and a beginning of the year that is difficult to get started, nothing better than some tips to get you back on a diet that will help you wear those Eight.One leggings that you love!

4 Foods you can include in your diet

There are foods that, due to their characteristics, can help your body burn more calories or that enable others to produce better results. Let's talk about 4 very important ones.


This is a food highly suggested by nutritionists because it has a good thermogenic capacity. When ingesting a good amount of ginger your body temperature will increase, which forces the body to work in a more dynamic way, resulting in a gain in energy expenditure .

Nowadays, there are countless recipes that use ginger as an ingredient, so make sure to include it in your diet to enjoy its benefits!


Composed of a chemical called 'capsaicin', pepper has the ability to increase the basal metabolic rate, making the number of calories your body burns at rest greater. And, in addition to using it in your main meals, you can boost weight loss by adding a pinch of pepper to juice or water to drink throughout the day.

And don't forget that the benefits of pepper go far beyond these: it's a great anti-inflammatory, relieves pain, stimulates digestion, increases libido...


The enemy of many people, who are afraid to include beans in their diet for fear of gaining weight, they are an excellent source of fiber and protein and are an important option in the diet of those who want to lose weight. It is a great substitute for carbohydrates, such as rice or pasta, and increases satiety, that is, it increases the feeling of food satisfaction (basically, “reduces the feeling of hunger”). Soon, you will have less desire to snack!!

Furthermore, a study showed that bean consumers tend to have less body weight and less waist circumference! Research has shown that consuming beans reduces the risk of enlarged abdominal area by 23% and the risk of obesity by 22%!! See the article published in the Journal of The American College of Nutrition.


In fact, it is not a food, but it is impossible not to include something so important for our body. But this time the suggestion is different: ice cold water!
The explanation is simple: if we lower our body's temperature, it will work to restore its optimal temperature, and this extra work will require additional calorie burning!

And that's it! 4 simple tips.
With this article and these tips, we want to give you tools and some small tricks to use in your daily life and which, together with regular training, will help you achieve your goals!


Maria Serra

Dicas fantásticas! Contudo há uma questão que me deixa baralhada.
Por uma lado é recomendado o consumo de gengibre, porque promove um aumento da temperatura corporal obrigando o organismo a trabalhar de uma forma mais dinâmica. Por outro, é recomendada a ingestão de água de gelada para baixar a temperatura do nosso organismo obrigando-o a trabalhar para voltar a repor a temperatura óptima.
Não há aqui uma contradição? Ou a ingestão destes dois produtos deve ser feita em momentos do dia distintos para não entrarem em conflito?

Dicas fantásticas! Contudo há uma questão que me deixa baralhada.
Por uma lado é recomendado o consumo de gengibre, porque promove um aumento da temperatura corporal obrigando o organismo a trabalhar de uma forma mais dinâmica. Por outro, é recomendada a ingestão de água de gelada para baixar a temperatura do nosso organismo obrigando-o a trabalhar para voltar a repor a temperatura óptima.
Não há aqui uma contradição? Ou a ingestão destes dois produtos deve ser feita em momentos do dia distintos para não entrarem em conflito?


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