The COVID-19 pandemic, and the quarantine it forced us into, meant that, in recent months, among other things, we were forced to leave the gyms . Training at home has, for many of us, become the new normal. We adapted our routines, changed our schedules and the house gained new functions. Fortunately, after the mandatory confinement phase, we can finally return to training in the gym .
With the reopening of these spaces, it is natural that some doubts and fears will arise. Resuming training requires calm, time and proper monitoring. My advice is to trust qualified professionals and follow some important tips for a great start.
5 Important tips for getting back to training at the gym
Nobody said it would be easy, but remember: tomorrow will always be better than today ! I now share with you 5 essential tips for when you return to training at the gym :
1. Take it easy
It’s natural that so many months without training make us think: “What now? I am no longer what I was, I no longer have the same strength or the same physical condition.” The truth is that just because you stopped for a few months doesn't mean that all your previous work went down the drain.
It's normal for the body to feel resentful and, therefore, my advice is to take it easy. When you return to training in the gym, you must adapt the loads, repetitions and you should not start immediately with the weight you used in your last training sessions before confinement. To avoid injuries, it is important to go through an adaptation phase, both in terms of weights, sets and time spent in the gym .
2. Set goals
Set real goals in real time. Goals are very important to improve your training performance . When you return to the gym , it is essential to follow a personalized training plan adapted to your goals and physical condition. Consult an exercise professional at your gym and ask any questions you may have about how many times a week you should train, what types of training or classes are best, etc.
3. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
Don't make any more excuses! Physical exercise should be part of your life to stay active and healthy. There is no ideal day or time to start, the important thing is not to think too much and just go. At the gym, there will always be someone to guide you, so there's no need to be afraid to return to training.
4. Maintain a healthy diet
Sometimes, taking care of your diet is forgotten when you start exercising again. However, this is a fundamental point for achieving our objectives. To start seeing results, it is essential that there is a balance between food, exercise and rest. Book a nutrition consultation, define a meal plan and better understand why you choose certain foods.
5. Set healthy habits
During quarantine, you possibly acquired new habits, some better and some worse. In this phase of starting over, it is important to review them all. Now that you are going back to training at the gym, also return to healthy habits:
- Create weekly menus and prepare your meals in advance;
- Drink lots of water! Don't forget that water is essential for your body to function properly;
- Rest as much as you need: sleeping well is as important for your health as eating and exercising.
Return to gym training safely
Just like us, gyms are also going through a period of great change and adapting to this new reality. To ensure your safety, and although each gym has its own rules, don't forget:
- Wear a mask when entering and leaving the gym;
- Carry your sneakers in your bag and only wear them at the gym;
- Disinfect your hands upon entry and exit;
- If you feel a fever, or other possible symptoms of COVID-19, do not go to training;
- All gyms have disinfection points: disinfect machines, dumbbells and all other material you use, before and after each use.
I believe that all these tips are useful to be able to return to training at the gym in complete safety. Remember that the important thing is to take the first step and comply with all the rules so that it is safe to return to indoor physical activity . Good training!
At Oito.Um you will find everything you need to get back to training. In addition to high-quality gym clothes, you can follow several fitness and nutrition tips that we publish on our blog !
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