aulas de grupo

7 Advantages of taking group classes by Sílvia Mota

Group classes are one of the most popular physical activities in gyms. Discover 7 reasons why these classes are so attractive.

group classes

Did you know that 86% of people who attend health clubs take group classes ? In fact, this is the highest level ever, according to 2016 data from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA).

This type of classes offers benefits on a physical, social and emotional level. In this way, physical exercise becomes extremely motivating.

Discover now 7 reasons why this type of physical activity attracts so many practitioners.

7 Benefits of taking group classes

1. Strong social component

Group classes encourage several behavioral factors, such as:

  • Social interaction;
  • Interpersonal relationships;
  • Commitments;
  • Discipline.

As it is done in a group, there is greater effectiveness in physical work. In fact, it has been proven that human beings increase their profitability in the presence of other people. In other words, taking group classes works as an additional motivation factor.

2. Musicality

The combination of physical exercise with music in group classes promotes unique sensations in our body. The use of this element helps in synchronizing movements, as well as training coordination .

Furthermore, the different rhythms heard during classes and the exercises themselves promote effects of happiness and relaxation.

3. Discipline

Human beings are great fans of routines and tend to keep their commitments when they have a set time. This is precisely what happens in group classes .

The emotional bonds of the social component are present and the commitment established with colleagues and the teacher tends to promote attendance.

4. Own space and material

Normally, these classes are practiced in gyms , inside a dedicated studio for this purpose. These spaces are equipped with the necessary equipment to be used exclusively during the class period.

5. Supervision during classes

Group classes are taught by a certified teacher who guides students. This detects and corrects any technical errors. Furthermore, you can adapt some exercise , if necessary, to each person's physical capacity and pathologies. This support is intended to allow gradual and safe progression.

6. Greater focus on training

Almost everyone has had the experience of giving up when performing an exercise. They don't finish the repetitions they were supposed to do and/or they don't meet the time they needed to do, allowing themselves to become fatigued more quickly.

In group classes things are different! We achieved an increase in physical profitability thanks to several factors:

  • Healthy competition between students;
  • To companionship among all;
  • To the accompaniment of the music;
  • To the teacher.

In this way, it becomes very satisfying to train close to our limit , tolerating all the repetitions that we thought we couldn't do. In this way, we end up enhancing our training .

7. Motivation

Although it is very important to stay focused on physical exercise, it is not always easy to stay motivated .

All the advantages mentioned above summarize what generates greater incentive in group classes. These are interactive moments social , fun and exciting, where we achieve high levels of training. All this in a more accessible and uncomplicated way.

Furthermore, much of the success of regular visits to the gym is due to the fact that we feel connected to the people who accompany us.

The diversity of group classes allows us to choose, among all the existing ones, the modality we like the most. Furthermore, we must choose one that meets our training objective. We can therefore understand that classes are inclusive, motivating and (almost) essential to training.

At Oito.Um you will find everything you need for your classes. Fitness clothing produced with the best materials, for comfortable and effective training. All this without forgetting the importance of making you feel beautiful. Discover our products!

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Sílvia Mota Sílvia Mota



Muito boa síntese das vantagens de aulas de grupo. Os meus parabéns pelo artigo

Muito boa síntese das vantagens de aulas de grupo. Os meus parabéns pelo artigo

Maria De Lurdes

Parabéns para quem se reinventa.Há a possibilidade de participar numa aula on-line para saber como é?? Muito sucesso!!?

Parabéns para quem se reinventa.Há a possibilidade de participar numa aula on-line para saber como é?? Muito sucesso!!?

Maria De Lurdes

Parabéns para quem se reinventa.Há a possibilidade de participar numa aula on-line para saber como é?? Muito sucesso!!?

Parabéns para quem se reinventa.Há a possibilidade de participar numa aula on-line para saber como é?? Muito sucesso!!?

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